DJ Pipeworks carry out a lot of repairs on properties built in the 1970s where have pipes which have burst due to wear-and-tear.
This includes replacing lead pipes and those made of black alkaphine, both of which are considered to be problem pipes.
We can provide the highest quality blue MDPE replacements to replace old pipes for a long-lasting solution that’s much better for your health.
DJ Pipeworks offer the highest quality water pipe repairs and replacements.
We can also repair existing water pipes along with supply replacements. Most of our work is repairing or replacing pipes, so we have a great deal of experience.
Whether you’re worried about high water pressure or have no water coming from your taps, we can investigate all sorts of problems, including finding the source of any leak using the latest methods.
We cover a wide range of locations including those in Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey. Our team promise the best possible customer service and quickest replacements possible.
If you need water pipe replacements in Farnborough, simply get in touch today.
07919247898 or email: