Do you have no water pressure in Surrey? Whether you have
The freezing weather can cause all sorts of problems for households, from frozen locks to dead car batteries. It can also have a catastrophic effect on your water pipes. This is because the water inside becomes frozen and expands, causing an increase in pressure in the pipe.
With our fast and efficient service, you can easily prevent flooding happening at your property. Most of our work can be carried out in the space of one day and usually your water supply will be switched off for no more than 15 minutes.
DJ Pipeworks is ideal for anybody who requires professional pipe repairs in Surrey.
We can carry out repairs with minimal disruption to your property. Our team always use the latest techniques to source any leaks, such as moling and tracer gas. We often use a 45mm Grundomat Mole for the installation of pipes up to 1 inch diameter.
Our repair specialists cover a wide range of locations in Surrey, including Farnham, Camberley, Godalming and Guildford. When pipes need to be replaced, we will use the finest MDPE poly pipes.
For more information on our pipe repairs in Surrey, simply get in touch today.
01252 711858 or (mobile) 07919247898.